Chamonix Photo Nature Festival Association
United by a common passion, the project originates within the Chamonix photo club. Driven by photographers Mario Colonel and Pierre Raphoz, the Chamonix Photo Nature Festival Association comes to life.
Just a week after its creation and the filing of its statutes, the association already brings together around twenty members, including both professionals and enthusiastic amateur photographers
The team

Pierre Raphoz
Mountain and photography professional, author of “Wild Mont-Blanc.” The man for the job, always on top of things. Head of design, production, logistics… wants to manage everything!

Mario Colonel
Co - President
Professional photographer, manager of the eponymous gallery, author of 27 books, and director of the films “Dolma, The Little Khampa” (2018) & “Eternal Mont Blanc” (2024). In charge of commercial and communication coordination. Our celebrity, misunderstood genius.

Benoît Roux
Vice President
Event project manager for the UTMB and photo club leader. Patient and attentive, an expert in Excel spreadsheets, he is the model student.

Nathalie Etellin
Can count on their fingers and often says ‘No, too expensive, we don’t have the budget.’ The Tic of Tac.

Sophie Gazzano
Editor-in-chief of the meeting minutes. The office magician who turns chaos into well-organised files. The Tac of Tic.

Baptiste Deturche
Wildlife filmmaker and director of the films Fjellrev, The Scandinavian Quest (2020) and The Gamble (2023). Our artistic eye, strict but fair, a good guy.

Léa Calori
Mountain photographer, has participated in numerous festivals. The poster? That’s her! A pro Macarena dancer in her spare time.

Bernadette Tsuda
She’s great! A multilingual heritage guide, often out exploring and always with her camera. Eats breadsticks every Thursday during meetings.

Alain Michel
An active retiree, a photographer at heart, always on the hunt for the perfect angle. Senior intern and voted the office’s best-looking.

Eric Courcier
Mountain guide, photographer, and drone pilot. Astrophotographer and astronomy presenter: always has his head in the stars, distracting his colleagues during meetings.

Salomé Clabaut
Complaints department (but with a smile) and volunteer manager. A Claude François fan and hates onions.

Liv Villard
The youngest, our event joker. She can’t go more than 10 metres without running into someone she knows.

Guillaume Mollier
A free spirit, photographer at heart, and enlightened, our head electrician knows how to spark a connection and make the light shine